Hello, we’ve been waiting for you… 

We believe that everything happens for a reason.  There are no accidents, only synchronicities.  The very fact you are here means you are here for a reason and you’ve come to the right place.

You may not know why you’re here or how you found us, but the universe has guided you to us.  There’s a high chance you’re an empath, a highly sensitive person, just waiting to connect with their inner truth and purpose.  You’ve probably felt like you were different your whole life right? You probably have special gifts, though you may not see them as that.  You probably feel like you don’t ‘fit in’ and have had a sense of having a bigger purpose, though you have no idea what.

We were just like you.  So many questions, so few answers, until we discovered what being an empath was and we started to uncover our own gifts.

Our purpose is now is very simple – We Empower Empaths

We work with you to heal, to awaken, and to thrive.  

We do this through our free resources, social media channels, our Lifeheal University, one to one coaching and mentoring, our workshops, and retreats.

We show you how to master life as an empath and navigate your spiritual awakening.  We cover Spiritual Awakening, Growth & Mastery, Healing & Wellbeing, Empath Courses & Qualifications, and Lifestyle Design.

If this all speaks to your soul and there’s a little voice crying yes, or even a faint whisper of curiosity, here’s where you can start…


Sam & Erica x



What Our LifeHealers Are Saying….

How to help someone in a low mood

How to help someone in a low mood

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What Is Shadow Work?

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Are you an Empath? Part 2

Are you an Empath? Part 2

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Are you an Empath? ( Part1)

Are you an Empath? ( Part1)

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Where Does Spirituality Fit Into My Life

Where Does Spirituality Fit Into My Life

Are you wondering where spirituality fits into your life?  Are you finding that sometimes you’re very focused on your spiritual journey, verging on obsessive, and then you are thrown off track?  Or maybe you just can’t find the energy for it at all, even though you...